Sacraments and Requirements
Sacramentos y Requisitos
"A Sacrament is an outward sign, instituted by Christ, and entrusted to the Church to give grace. "
"Un sacramento es un signo externo, instituido por Cristo y confiados a la Iglesia para dar gracia."
"Un sacramento es un signo externo, instituido por Cristo y confiados a la Iglesia para dar gracia."
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Sacrament of Baptism
REQUISITOS: Según el Canon #874, 1:3 - El padrino debe tener los Sacramentos de Iniciación cristiana y llevar "una vida congruente con la fe y con la misión que va asumir".
Tambien debe ser miembro registrado, activo y co-responsable con su parroquia y las necesidades de su comunidad. REQUIREMENTS: According to Canon Law #874, 1:3 - The sponsor should have the Sacraments of Christian initiation and lead a " life congruent with the faith and with the mission that they will assume". Also sponsors should be an active registered member and co-responsible with their parrish and the needs of the community. |
Sacrament of First Communion
REQUIREMENTS: In order to receive the sacrament of First Communion (Holy Eucharist) the candidate should first attend 2 years of catechism class beginning at age 7 or older.
REQUISITOS: Para recibir el sacramento de Primera Comunión (Santa Eucaristía) el candidato primero debe asistir 2 años de catecismo (doctrina) empezando a la edad de 7 años o mayor. |
Sacrament of Marriage
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
For other sacraments contact
Rosalva Vallejo-Serrano Director of Religious Education Rosalva Vallejo-Serrano, Religious Education Director or Direct Religious Education number: 813-939-7969 |